Eu sunt..

Fotografia mea
Bucuresti, Romania
Eu sunt Noi, o grămadă de variante mai mult sau mai puţin dispensabile . Eu sunt Tu , scânteia din ochiul tău atunci când mă doreşti sau mă dispreţuieşti. Eu sunt Nimeni , singurul anonim ce se bucură de toate bogăţiile fără a i se reclama ceva. Eu sunt Nimicul , cel care mereu îţi rămâne atunci când totul te-a dat deoparte. Eu sunt gândul ce nu-şi mai încape în minte şi visul captiv în ochi deschişi. Eu sunt catalepsia euforică , dulce înmărmurire între hotare nedescrise ochiului uman, beatitudine pulsând a moarte şi viaţă fără început.. Aşadar , Eu sunt!

joi, martie 03, 2011

But my destiny is forsaken in empty rooms ...

Closing my eyes in front of this hole ..doesn't make it any smaller at all and I am fully aware of what I've become and despite of  my beliefs .. the only thing that burns inside of me is the only thing that makes all the sense in the world , actually.. in my world :  humanity
You know .. Humanity is a heavy word for a being who's been considered herself a non-human one for a looooong ..long time . And humanity brings together everything that may be felt by a living being . And sometimes , when humanity grows too much inside of her , so does the hole grows deep inside her Inner. How can I choose the right words for my human side ? What should I put it down before any final circumstances ? I've felt so much , but I've learned so less ..

But my destiny is forsaken in empty rooms  .. I used to say these words once upon a time , when nothing stood before my loneliness but my destiny , my unfaithfull destiny . I still prefer those empty rooms. Emptiness is one of the most efficent cure I could recommend for Humanity . Once I found myself in empty rooms so I began to drop every piece of living flesh till I was offered the first taste .

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