Eu sunt..

Fotografia mea
Bucuresti, Romania
Eu sunt Noi, o grămadă de variante mai mult sau mai puţin dispensabile . Eu sunt Tu , scânteia din ochiul tău atunci când mă doreşti sau mă dispreţuieşti. Eu sunt Nimeni , singurul anonim ce se bucură de toate bogăţiile fără a i se reclama ceva. Eu sunt Nimicul , cel care mereu îţi rămâne atunci când totul te-a dat deoparte. Eu sunt gândul ce nu-şi mai încape în minte şi visul captiv în ochi deschişi. Eu sunt catalepsia euforică , dulce înmărmurire între hotare nedescrise ochiului uman, beatitudine pulsând a moarte şi viaţă fără început.. Aşadar , Eu sunt!

vineri, februarie 25, 2011

Memories from an Alternative Life ...

I wish I could have cried at that time , I wish I could have tasted some salty tears behind my eyes , but my eyes were frozen so my life from that hour and the only thing I could have reached behind myself .. was a long way of an eternal .. Life.

It was all ended . Everything that we enjoyed for all this time , everything that was green and sunny in our eyes , every bird and every flower from this sky and this ground .. ended. I had to walk on every stone under my bleeding steps and I had to kill with my bare hands everyone who stood in my way .. How am I suppose to live with such things now ? ..even I did the right ones ..but sometimes , doing the right things is not the same with doing what you really want or love to do .. 

Wish I could have had something else to choose .. something else but this blood on my face and my hands . And it is all ending so my steps aproach to the edge .. I want this to be ended before my eyes , eternal is way too long for a man who's got nothing to live for .. And there's no other world than the one I've made it by my own . And there's no other darkness than the one that finally swallows me deep inside the hole , I  am finally free to fall . Free to become from Ashe.. to Dust and no wings shall grow back to save me anymore . There is no such thing .. maybe never had been . 

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